Offshore Software Development Trends in 2022

It’s been more than a decade since the acceptance of software development across the globe and even today somehow it never fails to amaze me. I no longer need to emphasise the fact that softwares has become a crucial part of our day to day lives. Not only individuals but even businesses irrespective of their size and industry vertical require the best software solutions to survive in today’s cut-throat competitive world.

So basically you have that vague development idea in your mind, all you need is a reliable outsourcing tech partner or a well-experienced offshore software development company. Fret not, the following post won’t just assist you in choosing one but also help you in getting better know-how with the current offshore software development trends.

Choosing an Offshore Development Company

Over the years offshoring and outsourcing are two buzzwords that are often misinterpreted. The main objective of both outsourcing and offshore software development is to enhance business processes and business operations. One of the most generally misunderstood components of the global supply chain is the distinction between “offshore” and “outsourcing”. Both the concepts turn out to be beneficial in several ways such as they enhance productivity, offering solutions at a lower cost, offering more qualified specialists and access to advanced technological outcomes.

Fortunately, offshore development companies are sprouting up like never before – all thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from this, offshore software development offers a wide range of benefits such as it is cost-effective, tends to offer wide access to talent, faster time to market, and whatnot!

Without further ado, let’s ride into the next step with everything ironed out, everything in detail right from the product’s idea to mission/vision and objectives, small chunks of project development, and the list goes on! So you know the drill but wait here comes the big question, how to choose a reliable offshore software development company.

Down below I would like to mention certain tips and tricks to take into account especially when choosing an offshore software development company in countries like India, the Philippines, Vietnam, China, etc.

Tip #1 Reviews, Referrals and Testimonials

Never ignore this step no matter how intimidating or well-experienced the chosen software development company seems to be. One must always seek third-party referrals. Not doing so can cost you an arm and a leg. Also, by seeking out referrals and testimonials, you will get a better idea of whether they can work on your kind of project or not. Do ask whether they have developed a somewhat similar kind of software solution or not.

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Tip #2 Technical Expertise

Since you are looking for a tech partner, it is quite obvious that you must consider hiring someone who carries an immense amount of knowledge and expertise in different tech-stacks whether it’s javascript frameworks or PHP, for mobile app development or web application development. You see there is no one way to conduct a software development project, there are a plethora of tools, methodologies and approaches available. Each one of a kind the only difference between success and failure here is that you have to determine which technology and approach are right for your business needs and requirements.

If you are informative and knowledgeable enough, you will be able to check how well-experienced the prospective partner is. So before choosing dedicated software development teams, make sure you are well-versed with your needs and tech stack.

Tip #3 Communication

Do you know one of the common yet crucial reasons why most long-distance relationships fail? It is because both parties aren’t able to communicate effectively. Yes, you read it right and partnering with an offshore software development company is no different. It is a long-distance relationship where if either of the two fails in regards to communication then that’s it, things won’t work out well. Also, be ready to face dissatisfaction and failure.

Fortunately, now we have a plethora of communication channels around. From Skype to Google meet, Hangouts, Asana, Basecamp, Trello, the options are simply endless. Communicating regularly means each and every person related to the project whether it’s you, your employees, web developers, senior project managers, designers, or testers, are on the same page and there is no scope for any miscommunication or misconception.

Overall, partnering with the right offshore software development company can bring many benefits. Further below I would like to mention certain offshore development trends to take into account before commencing your very first project.

Offshore Development Trends Worth Considering

●  Cloud Computing

Cloud integration or cloud computing is pretty much in vogue these days. More and more offshore software development companies are found jumping on the bandwagon not just because it is a hot potato but because it has the potential to provide a competitive edge to the company as well as its valued clients.

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As the name implies, cloud-based applications are nothing but the implementation of a program in a cloud. Yes, they are developed with the help of the internet and accessed by the end-users via the same. Now you must be wondering why offshore software development companies are considering cloud computing or trending towards it. Well, there are numerous reasons attached to it. For example, software development companies have the benefit of enhancing their customer services. Apart from this cloud integration, enables these companies to work from any location at any point in time. All you need to have is a good internet connection without any discontinuity.

Cloud computing has entered the mainstream industries and the future seems pretty bright. So I would be surprised if this one’s not trending in the offshore software development space.

● Big Data

Do you know what has become more valuable and easy to steal these days? No, it’s neither money nor gold. I am talking about data. The significance of data cannot be ignored at any rate. Plus, it is extremely important to make the world a better place, don’t you think so? With more than one billion data being generated every day, the concept of big data seems to gain momentum seamlessly.

You have no idea how much negative impact one can get if such data is leaked among the bad guys. At the same time, by making positive use of the given data, businesses surely can master data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, and business intelligence.

As a result, nothing can stop them from becoming more productive, powerful decisions making, ensuring efficient procedures and above all, gaining a competitive edge. It may quite interest you to know that big data is no longer a trend or a passing fad, it’s here to stay making a huge impact across the globe.

●      DevOps and Agile Approach

Now DevOps and Agile are two-different software methodologies but have you ever thought about what could be the result of combining these two? Well, first we need to understand the two. DevOps is a software development methodology that aims to combine different software teams, i.e. developers and operatives together. Whereas Agile methodology employs lots and lots of values and principles to build a software development culture.

Now, what happens when you combine DevOps and Agile together? Well, you can check for yourself!

  • Streamlines all the procedures
  • Enhancing the final outcomes
  • Each release provides more value
  • Chances of risks and mishaps are pretty less
  • Fewer errors and bugs
  • Visibility has been increased
  • Improved user satisfaction rates
  • Products aren’t just quantitative but qualitative as well
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●  Artificial intelligence & Robotics

Many of you have this misconception that artificial intelligence and robotics are the same and can be used interchangeably. Well, to be precise artificial intelligence and robotics are definitely relatable to each other but they are entirely different. Robotics include the creation of robots that perform monotonous tasks precisely so that businesses can focus on their core competencies whereas artificial intelligence on the other hand can be defined as a subtle way of emulating human brains to make decision making quick and accurate procedures.

Of course, there is scope for integration as they have the potential to deliver quick-speed solutions and one can safeguard themselves from repetitive tasks. Till now there are times when offshore development companies have integrated artificial intelligence into robots and assisted several industries to enhance production processes. In the future, more and more dependency on automated solutions will be seen, which is not such a bad thing after all!

● Personalization

I am sure by now you must have understood the need for personalization and why more and more businesses are trending toward this concept. Personalised or user-specific solutions are something that everyone prefers these days, whether you are a business person or a customer yourself. Imagine if you are buying a pair of jeans and you get one of your choices right within a span of 10 minutes, how would that feel? Amazing right? Similarly, getting personalised results in the nick of time is something that every end-user craves for.

With the integration of AI, creating a customised user experience is now possible. So yes, personalization is a crucial offshore software development trend and is here to stay in the long run.

● Cybersecurity

Last but certainly not least comes cybersecurity. With numerous cyber breaches happening every now and then. There is a need for strict cybersecurity measures to be taken to safeguard business data from malicious attacks. Do not invite the roadblock by ignoring the concept of data theft. Not incorporating cybersecurity can lead to Intellectual property theft, data losses, business information leaks and a lot more. As a result, your reputation will be spoiled. So security as a trend is non-negotiable.


These are the top offshore software development trends ruling the world. I hope you found the following post worth the read, if yes, do share among your peers and let us know your valuable feedback in the comment section below.