How awards promote better academic performances

It’s an age-old tradition where people have been receiving awards and trophies around the world. However, there is a great significance of recognition, and being a scholar is a matter of great pride for one in society, and receiving academic awards adds up to a person’s social strata defining their proficiency in the field of academics.

Academic awards that are given to students in schools and universities around the world for good academic performances to the awards such as the Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Prize, or India’s Bharat Ratna, all have their importance and prestige in society, and recipients are solemnly respected and celebrated by their peers.

Some big scholars of the world and their contributions

It is said that sometimes awards and accolades gain their reputation and prestige because of the people who receive them. At the same time, usually, it’s the recipient who gains prestige by receiving the awards.

Following are more such personalities who contributed greatly to society with their academic prowess and the academic achievement trophies & awards they received :

  1. Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein, born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, was a brilliant theoretical physicist who reshaped our understanding of the universe. In 1905, at age 26, he published four groundbreaking papers that transformed the field of physics. These papers introduced the theory of special relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and the relationship between matter and energy.

Einstein’s most famous equation, E=mc², demonstrated the equivalence of mass and energy. His work on the theory of Brownian motion provided strong evidence for the existence of atoms. In 1915, he completed the general theory of relativity, offering a new understanding of gravity as the curvature of spacetime.

Despite his immense contributions, Einstein did not receive the Nobel Prize for his theory of relativity. Instead, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Einstein’s intellectual legacy and his profound impact on science and our understanding of the universe continue to resonate today. He passed away in 1955, leaving behind an enduring scientific and cultural legacy.

  1. Stephen Hawking: Stephen Hawking, born in 1942 in Oxford, England, was a renowned theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. Despite being diagnosed with ALS at 21, he made groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of the universe. Hawking’s notable work, “A Brief History of Time,” popularised complex scientific concepts. He focused on black holes, proposing the theory of Hawking radiation and studying the Big Bang through singularity theorems.
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Hawking received prestigious awards, including the Albert Einstein Medal, Copley Medal, Fundamental Physics Prize, and Presidential Medal of Freedom. His ability to bridge science and public understanding made him an iconic figure. Hawking passed away in 2018, profoundly impacting science and inspiring generations to explore the mysteries of the cosmos.

  1. B.R. Ambedkar: B.R. Ambedkar, born in 1891 in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, India, was a jurist, economist, social reformer, and political leader. He tirelessly fought for social justice and equality, particularly for the rights of Dalits and marginalized communities. Ambedkar played a crucial role in drafting the Indian Constitution as the chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee. His efforts ensured the inclusion of provisions to safeguard social equality and fundamental rights.

Ambedkar advocated for eradicating caste-based discrimination and untouchability, promoting education as a means of empowerment. His writings and speeches emphasized individual liberty, equality, and social justice. Ambedkar received the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, posthumously in 1990 and the Ambedkar International Award for Social Change in 1993. His legacy as an iconic figure in India’s history and his dedication to the rights of marginalized communities continue to inspire social reform movements and contribute to the pursuit of justice and equality.

  1. Amartya Sen: Amartya Sen, born in 1933 in Bengal, India, is an eminent economist and philosopher known for his significant contributions to welfare economics and development studies. He has dedicated his career to addressing poverty, social inequality, and human development.

Sen’s influential work challenged conventional economic theories and highlighted the importance of considering broader aspects of well-being, such as education and healthcare, in evaluating societal progress. His research on famines revolutionized understanding by demonstrating that food shortages are not solely a result of food scarcity but also of political and social factors.

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Sen was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998 for his contributions to welfare economics. He has received numerous other prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, in 1999, and the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science in 1998. Sen’s intellectual prowess and advocacy for social justice continue to inspire scholars and policymakers worldwide.

These are a few prominent examples who received the biggest of the gold & silver plated presentation cups and accolades in the world.

How Students Get Motivated by the academic awards

Everyone likes to be awarded and facilitated for their hard work. However, in students, specifically, children studying in primary and high schools, these academic achievement trophies greatly impact their minds and confidence levels. All schools and universities have their own uniquely designed custom awards and trophies, and all of them play a great role in a student’s life.

Youngsters live dynamic lives in immense competition, which lets them see tough phases of their lives, which can be due to failures, stagnation, or inability to meet their own and society’s expectations. In such times when a youngster is faced with failure, the awards and trophies they have been conferred with in the past come as a sense of motivation, reminding them of the capabilities and potential dwelling inside them. This ultimately helps them to get back to working hard and keep moving again.

Receiving an academic award in school or university is a matter of great pride for the youth, and it offers several advantages to a person. Apart from the fact that it acknowledges their exceptional academic achievement and hard work and boosts their self-confidence and motivation, The award serves as a validation of their abilities, which helps them gain the confidence of the teachers and potential institutions they might want to go for pursuing education further. It enhances their academic profile, making them stand out when applying for scholarships, internships, or future educational and employment opportunities.

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Academic achievement trophies and awards also foster a competitive environment, inspiring other students to strive for excellence. Moreover, the award acts as a valuable addition to their academic portfolio or resume, showcasing their academic prowess and dedication and background of hard work and excellence, which every organization would like to inculcate in them.

Awards and accolades, in a way, show that a person has constantly been working toward excellence in their lives, and there are higher chances that the person would continue to do so in the future as well; therefore, students with such awards have a slight upper hand over the ones who never worked towards their academics to this degree when they go out for searching opportunities. Ultimately, an academic award celebrates a child’s hard work, instills pride in their achievements, opens doors for future opportunities, and encourages a culture of academic excellence in the educational community.


We can say that Awards and accolades promote better academic performance by providing recognition, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment. They fuel motivation, encourage healthy competition, and foster a culture of excellence. Awards and achievements enhance the academic portfolios of students and scholars worldwide, inspiring future generations and gaining the confidence of employers and institutes.

By acknowledging and celebrating achievements, awards inspire individuals to strive for higher academic goals, and foster an environment of competition conducive to people’s growth, leading to improved educational outcomes.