Top 5 Mistakes in Making a Mockup

Once you’ve decided on the functions you would like your app to accomplish and the audience you would like it to be used by the next step is to get an idea of how it’ll appear and function. This is why you design the mockup, which is with a black and white outline for every screen within your app, including every button and all of the text you can.

Final mockups should be created by a professional, however, you can get off an excellent start by using the template provided in this article. It will assist you in understanding how your app transforms from an idea that was formulated in words to an idea that is formulated on the screens of smartphones. It will let you observe what your app will look like in the layout where it will appear. You may see things that look amazing and decide to include additional features or perhaps you realize that there’s too little space on the screen for you to fit every button and features you’d like to add.

A mockup is an excellent method of evaluating your idea. You might discover that your idea isn’t really feasible. Sometimes, the best way to see the problems with your application idea is to draw it out on screens the way users would see it.

Another reason you should do this is because it lets you get opinions from those who have an actual idea. Instead of expressing their opinion about your idea it is possible to get their opinion on actual mockup screens. This is great because walking through a mockup the first time is much more similar to what a user would do when they use your application in the beginning! It can also be helpful for the first few phases of development, since you’ll be capable of showing your developers something tangible while explaining your concept!

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When you are using this template to make a mockup, your primary priority should be on ensuring that your logic is sound. In essence, logic is a sign of completeness. There shouldn’t be screens that are not functioning, no way to be stuck on a screen, no screens with no buttons that lead to them and etc.

These are five mistakes that can be easily made when making mockups:

1. Not removing screens

This is a common issue. This is because the mockup you create should have a representation of every screen that you’ll have in your application. If you’re missing screens, your mockup isn’t full. The confirmation screen you get after logging in? You need to see it. What is the screen for reset passwords? It’s in the mockup, too. Even if the background is identical but any change to the image requires its own distinct display in the mockup and is considered an individual screen. If you’re making your own mockups of your project, including things such as Terms and Conditions and confirmation screens won’t be as crucial. If you do get professional help with your mockup, be sure that you’re receiving every screen according to the above definition.

2. Buttons that aren’t leading to any place

Anything that won’t appear on the app shouldn’t be included within the design mockup. Your buttons and screens must be linked in a sensible manner

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3. Screens without a way to get to them

Be sure to mentally go through the possible user actions within your application. This will enable you keep all the screens in sync. When you are thinking about changing your settings only to discover that there’s no way to access the screen, you’ll find that you must include buttons!

4. Screens that aren’t able to leave them

The ability to imagine the complete list of user behavior can also help in identifying sticky screens. If you’ve added the option to go to the setting screen, it needs to be a button that allows you to quit the screen as well. It could not be just an exit button It could be an additional icon for each of your screens. This is a reference to another aspect to consider when creating an effective mockup. That is to be able to ensure that your screen doesn’t get too busy.

5. Not registering the page numbers

It is a good method to keep your mockup in order and to ensure an efficient flow and logic. Pages must be numbered in the order that is representative of users’ behavior while using the application. The mockup screens must be ordered in the order that users would be seeing them. The first screen that users view will be the first page. If you need to navigate through the homepage before getting to the profile page, the homepage should have lower in number. This is logical, but difficult to get wrong. If you get to intersection screens and there are many different routes the user can choose, you’ll need to assign numbers somewhat arbitrarily. In these instances, begin by focusing on the screen that is central for the application, and with the majority of buttons leading to other screens.

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With these suggestions, you can make a fantastic mockup that can help you critically assess your concept and refine it more. A tangible screen-by-screen mockup will aid in understanding your concept more thoroughly. It’s an extremely useful tool and is a crucial step towards becoming an effective Appreneur.